Monday, December 06, 2004

The Dilemma

OK, so we leave for New Zealand in a few days, and I have spent the weekend packing, unpacking, and re-packing. You see, at the end of our trip we have a domestic flight in New Zealand, which means that we have to, let me rephrase that, I have to, pack for that flight, which ultimately means that we can only take one suitcase each, with a max weight of 50 pounds. I know what most of you are thinking, "50 pounds, wow that's a ton", well let's just say that my suitcase weighs 20 pounds - without clothes, empty, sans anything. So I can't take that bag, which means I have to take a lighter bag, which also equals a SMALLER bag. So I now have to pack three weeks of cute vacation clothes in ONE smallish-semi-heavyish-but-not-as-heavy-as-the-first-bag bag. For those of you who know me, and the way I pack, you are probably laughing at this cruel twist of events for me. Ha ha. So I have spent the last few days pacing, staring at the bags, taking things out - putting them back in, chewing on my nails (although not hard enough to cause any pre-vacation manicure damage) wondering how on earth I am going to do this. Needless to say, it is still a project in progress. I will keep you updated.

- Sarah


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