I'm too young to be this stupid
OK, so I really need to be better about writing in this blog... I'll try. On with today's blog:
The weekend at my friend's, the De Luca's, in Flagstaff a few weekends ago was really great. We had so much fun. We took the puppies with us, and on que Chloe threw up as soon as we reached the 6,000ft elevation, at least this time we were expecting it to happen. It was a great day because we left on a Wednesday, after spending some time in service together, and arrived in Flagstaff at about 3pm. We had a wonderful dinner, and there were many friends that we hadn't seen in years, which was great to catch up. I'm going to include pictures from the party in this blog...if I don't forget!! So the night was wonderful, and there were some people I hadn't met before so there were a few "this is my childhood best friend..." and such, but it was so nice to be around old friends, and meet new ones. Needless to say, by the end of the night I was so full that Jamie was not allowed to come within two feet of me, and forget about giving me a hug. The food was so yummy! Let me allow you to salivate for a moment: Roasted rosemary lamb, turkey, gravy, candied yams, mashed potatoes, carrot cake with homemade cream cheese frosting, apple pie, pumpkin pie, etc, etc, etc. Needless to say, I am still trying to lose the million pounds I gained in the few days we were there. *Sigh* And then the food didn't stop there, the next morning they had a big breakfast, which consisted of homemade cinnamon apples in cream, eggs, croissants, the whole works, it was delicious. It was also great because the De Luca's invited my sister and her family over, so it was wonderful to spend some time with them as well. So we spent the few days eating, going to Barnes and Noble (I just love going there), eating, shopping the sales, eating, catching up with friends, and eating. So overall it was a wonderful weekend.

So a couple weeks ago I started the process of opening my own Ebay store, and my product is finally rolling in, so if you want to go see my store the address is:
I am currently waiting on the product I am most excited about, Burberry "Happy" scarves. I am equally as excited about taking one (or maybe two...or three) of the scarves for myself. So keep checking back, as my inventory should grow over the next few months. Oh, and the store looks terrible graphically right now, but it will get better (I hope), as I get more time to re-design it. Let me know what you think!!
This past Friday some new friends of ours in our congregation invited us to their house for a wine tasting party. It was so much fun, except we had to leave fairly early (nine) because Jamie ended up feeling sick. But it was great, and there was a person there, named Ruthie, that, (had never occurred to me in the three months that I have lived here), I had already been friends with six years ago during my single years. It was funny, because it wasn't until she had said her name that I realized who she was. OK, so this is how much of a dork I am, well let me first say that when I meet a person I try to associate their name with a person I know with the same name to try to remember their name, so when she told me her name was "Ruthie" I thought, "OK I knew a Ruthie once..." and then I realized it was HER. SHE was the Ruthie I knew once. I am such a dork. I swear the older I get the stupider I get. But to give myself a little credit, she also didn't remember me straight off until I mentioned I was from Flagstaff. So anyways, I had hung out with her a few times and had even gone to a concert with her a few years ago. At the time we were both single, and now we are both married and she has a little girl. Amazing how people and life changes while you're too busy living.
So this past Monday my friend Shauna and I went and saw Pride and Prejudice, and I have to say that I loved it. Of course it isn't as good as the original, but they did the best they could shortening a 6 hour movie to a 2 hour movie. I have to say, there were a couple of lines in this movie that just made me MELT and gave me chills, and one of them was during the second time that Mr. Darcy tells Lizzie that he loves her: "I love...love you," or something to that effect. *Melt* Another great time in the movie was the whole: "Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy..." One word, yum. I loved it, but you have to be prepared that there aren't half as many details in this movie as there were in the original.
So that's pretty much all that's happened in the past couple of weeks.
Ok so this has been my observation over the last few years, and to sum it up, I swear I was smarter when I was 16. Now don't get me wrong, when I was 16 I was not one of those teenagers that thought they knew everything, but now that I am 25, I'm thinking that maybe I did and the older I get the more imperfection kicks in and thus the stupider I am getting. I'm telling you, when I was younger, I used to be able to handle stress a lot better, and work through problems a lot better, and now it takes me days to stop stressing about something that I probably could've gotten over in a couple of hours when I was younger. Hopefully it's because now that I am older I have bigger problems to work through (not that that's a good thing, but it gives me an excuse)...But I'm not sure if that is necessarily true. Or maybe I was so consumed in school work growing up that I didn't have much left to give to other problems around me, and thus I just ignored them.
But then, what explains the fact that I can't remember anything anymore? For example, I remember when I was younger I could remember a movie I watched once, basically from start to finish. I could remember the whole plot, what happens, etc. Now I watch a movie and a month later I can barely remember who was in it, less the details. Although this is actually a good thing in my eyes, because then when I watch the movie again, it's almost like watching it for the first time all over again.
So again I ask the big question, am I getting dumber as I get older or is it that my brain is that much more full of information that it is more selective in what it remembers? And most importantly...sorry lost my train of thought. What was I talking about?
Hey sarah
That is great that you are keeping busy with the online ebay stuff...Im very happy and hope it all works out for you. I also thought i read on one of the blog posts that you are writing a book? How is that coming along and what is the nature of the book? Can you compare it to any style author i may have heard of?
Hope youre settling in in arizona.
Hey, Sarah - I just happened to stumble onto your blog...and as I was reading, I thought to myself, "Hmmm... I think I may have something Very Important in common with this chick.. We're mid-20's, blog, like to travel and Oh! look! she's talking about her 'congregation... can it be? Yes! a fellow JW blogger who is cool/young/female!" I'm from/in Santa Barbara, you can check out my ramblings or link me if you like.
Cheers! Maya
Your trip sounds like sooo much fun.
I LOVED P&P - I went with the view of not comparing the movies, because, well, ya can't compare to the BBC's version. But as a stand-alone, it was great. The scene in the rain was hoooottttt. I'm going to do a review later. I can't gather the concentration to do one at the moment.
OMG, those scarves are gorgeous! Now I want one!
Re the Thinking Blot...
I think what we've got is information overload. We have way too much to remember now, so if the brain thinks making room for it is not a good idea, then out it goes. I do the same thing with books/movies, etc., til I get to an important plot point and then I realize!
I also think the longer I'm not in college, the dumber I get. While I was there, especially in Lit classes or higher level French classes, I was forced to extrapolate and hypothesize. Now I speak "baby French" and, what's more, I am around kids who barely have the capacity for abstract thought.
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