It's a GIRL!!

OK, so I have been procrastinating once again. But I really have been SO incredibly BUSY. So the title of this blog is the answer to the cliff hanger of my last blog, and that is that my sister is having a little girl. It's so ironic that we were all SO positive that it was a little boy, so naturally it's a little girl. Poor little thing!! But we are SO happy that we have a brand new little sweet girl coming into our life. I am so looking forward to meeting her!
I will have to be very brief about what's happened in my life, because so much has been going on:
A couple weeks ago Jamie and I drove to California to go to the Coldplay concert. We spent the first night in San Luis Obispo with our good friends, Will and Dannielle. We had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Tahoe Joe's, because we don't have those restaurants in AZ. I would have to say that returning to SLO was a little sad for me, probably a little too soon to have returned to the town that I absolutely loved.

The next morning we went to breakfast with Dannielle, and a couple more friends of ours: Courtney, Trena and her cute two year old daughter Sophia. It was great catching up with them, it really made me so happy and sad at the same time being able to be with these friends again.
Later on that day we drove to San Jose, where the concert was. We took our time and just really enjoyed the trip. We ate at a great Italian restaurant in downtown San Jose, and then headed over to the concert. The concert was just AMAZING, and just reaffirmed why Coldplay is my favorite band. Jamie wasn't a big fan before the concert, but AFTER was a different story. He's a big fan now, and I hear him singing their songs all the time now. Yay! :-)
The next morning we drove back to SLO and spent the drive there sightseeing. We stopped in Cambria, one of our favorite towns about 30 minutes outside of SLO. We walked around, went to the little New Zealand shop, and had ice cream. So fun and yummy :-). Can't really remember now what we did, but we saw the ocean, and walked around downtown SLO for a while. I got a really CUTE pair of Carlos Santana shoes. That afternoon we got together with some good friends of ours, Kevin and Hope, and had a wonderful dinner, (and a couple GREAT martinis) at the fabulous restaurant Blu. We were there for about four hours, just talking and catching up. It was so wonderful spending time with them, because we miss them so much. That night we stayed once again with Will and Dannielle and their beautiful two year old daughter Brooklyn. She has gotten SO big since we had seen her 6 months ago. She is walking and talking, and is just a little doll!
The next day we just hung out around SLO, and went to the ocean, (and also got the brakes fixed on the car - that's another story), and at lunch we went to my favorite local restaurant Corner View. It was wonderful because at lunch I ran into my good friend Gina, who I used to meet at Corner View for lunch breaks. It was a great bonus to run into her :-). That night Will and Dannielle offered to have a small little gathering for us at their house, so we were allowed to invite whoever we wanted, and it ended up being a wonderful evening spent with great friends and wonderful new memories. It was a blast.
The next morning we headed back to AZ, filled with great memories, and a sadness for leaving "home."
The day after we got home was Super Bowl Sunday, and we spent it with some new friends in our hall (Alvis, Jeremiah and their family), at their house. Jamie and I aren't really into football, but it's always great to just hang out. :-)
The next day, Monday, I started my new job at Wells Fargo working as a Personal Banker. I really like the job so far. Not too much to report on this, just that I like it. That night Deanna, her boyfriend, her mom, and my parents all met for dinner at PF Changs for dinner. It was a great dinner. Yum yummmm.
That following Thursday my sister and her husband came into town, becuase my sister was flying out to California the following morning, so they spent the night with us. She looks SO cute!! She's finally starting to show (little belly).
The next Saturday we went to this awesome restaurant, Rula Bula, with some good friends of ours in our hall, Theresa and Ben, where we had an amazing Irish dinner (along with some great irish drinks) and listened to some great live irish music by "Traveler." We had so much fun!! But we always have fun with Theresa and Ben :-)
That night (while we were out on the town) my sister flew back in from CA, and so the next morning we went to eat at Mimi's Cafe, and had some yummy french cuisine. Yummm. Man, it seems that all I write about is eating... Jamie had actually left in the morning to go to the Rugby 7's tournament in LA, where he was until Monday.
Last week I went to work, and then on Friday Deanna came into town to spend the weekend. The next day we went to pick up her boyfriend Raul from the airport, and then went to eat breakfast at Le Madeline, and had ANOTHER yummy french breakfast. I just LOVE that restaurant. That night we went to my parents house for dinner, which of course was deliciousy, and it was great because Deanna's parents and grandparents were also there. Raul and Deanna spent the rest of the weekend and left this morning.
Phew! Well that's what has been going on the last few weeks!! I am just WAY too busy!! I need some time just to do nothing, I have had too much of a life!!
OK well I have written a book, so I am signing off now. I know I have said this (many) times before, but I really will try to be better about writing more often...
Bye y'all!! (Hope I wrote that right Danielle!)
You go, girl! That was perfect!
Glad you're doing well. That all sounds crazy, hectic, and loads of fun! Congrats on the baby niece to be! I have a link I'll send you. You're gonna love it.
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