So it's 12:20 am, my husband is sleeping soundly beside me, and I have once again, wasted precious moments of my life on the internet (see my favorite sites of the moment at the below to see where I have been tonight). So I figured I'd take a couple more moments and write a few notes in my blog:
My dad calls my blog, my "glob."
*Laughs out loud*
(Husband is still asleep - good. Thank goodness for ear plugs.)
Cracks me up when I think of it. I think that it's more truth than a misquote. I think all I really write probably is just a glob, more so than a blog.
*Laughs out loud* Still stinkin' funny though!
Favorite Web Sites of the Moment:
My friend Danielle's blog. Scary how I can relate to her, plus, she makes me laugh my head off!
OMG, I have wasted sooooo much time here!
Gotto love ITunes
Love to discover all my indie music here. Some great new artists!!
Newly Discovered Artists:
Jem (I didn't just discover her, but just wanted to put her name out there for anybody who hasn't)
Mat Kearney - He's very interesting. Great voice, and different. He's on ITunes, and his album's only $6.99. Check him out.
Teddy Geiger - great voice, and he's only 17!!
Oh, and with regards to my Goals that I put in a previous blog (glob, whatever), here's an (reluctant) update:
Goals (In Progress):
1. "To be done with at least half of my book by the end of the year." Wow, I must've been on an optimistic kick when I wrote this. Yeah. Haven't touched my book, my life is consumed with studying for the Series 7 exam. Stinks. I'll have to put off becoming a hugely successful author for a few more months.
2. "To stop beings so addicted to sugar." Today I had ice cream. And a handful of chocolate chips. Yeah this one's not going so well either.
3. "Find time to get my hair cut at least every two months." Hmmm, this one's still a possibility. 1 out of 3 isn't too bad, right?
Awww, you're so sweet. I'm glad I make you laugh. And I waste so much time on myspace and youtube that it's not even funny.
I like your "glob" too!
OK, I wouldn't exactly go so far as to say your childhood is invalid, but the Anne books are SO GOOD. I think you missed out.
I say go out and buy yourself a set right now!
Hey Sarah
Your glob is always entertaining for me. I visit your site and Danielles in the hopes of updated material to laugh about. Good times...keep posting.
As far as not being addicted to sugar...It took me literally 3 months to stop eating it...and now im sugar free....
"say go out and buy yourself a set right now!"
Listen to her, Sarah. She knows what she's talkin' about. ;)
(Hi, I'm Bev, by the way...another fellow sis & blogger.)
Yeah, I did. I read it in a day. I've always been that way - I tend to see a sentence as a unit rather than a word.
So, I did read it in a day, but I also neglected everything else I was supposed to be doing. I zone in and can't be bothered. So I am a very bad girl, really.
And you rock anyway, so... fuggedaboudit.
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