Thursday, April 28, 2005

Hip Hop Orientation & The "Young-Old Lady" Theory

Wow. Another month has passed, and it feels like it's only been a few days. It's amazing to me how quickly time goes by now. I am starting to sound like my mother who always used to tell me how quickly time used to go and I used to think "yeah takes FOREVER for it to get to first recess every day..."

So things have been pretty busy lately. Jamie and I are still going to the gym, which is really great, and last week I even tried a new class - Dance. Oh yeah, it was a hip-hop dance class. And you know, I have to tell ya, I have always thought I had a good sense of rhythm, that is until I took that class last week. Although, I have to say that I was at a great disadvantage, because as I walked in the instructor proceeded to say: "For all of you who are taking this class for the first time today (that would be me) I am very sorry to say that you are taking this class at the WORST time, because we are at the fifth and final week of learning our dance routine...but don't take it seriously..." he said as he proceeded pout his lips and strike a pose and proceed into one of the hardest dance routines on the face of the planet. Oh yes, I fumbled my way through it, and tried to keep up with the 80 year old woman (no exaggeration) in front of me. I proceeded to go left when the class was going right, go backwards when everyone was going forward, and manage to stand there with my jaw dropped open trying to figure out what on EARTH they were doing as everyone spun and hip-hopped around me. So needless to say, I'm going back tonight!

My sister's wedding is this weekend, and I'm really looking forward to it. And when I say "it", I mean the cake! Just kidding, I am looking forward to enjoying the whole event (namely the cake!). I will write about it later, so here's hoping that I don't manage to make a fool of myself. (Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip, don't spill wine on your sister's dress, don't trip...) Everything seems to be in place for the wedding, so it should be a really good time.

Well I'm sure that some of you will think that this theory is a bit harsh, but oh well. Here goes. OK so here's what's been pressing on my mind lately - and I call it the "Young-Old Lady" theory. Is it just me, or does it seem that all of your girlfriends, at one point in their twenties, just change. The older they get, the meaner they get? So here's how I started thinking about it, the other week I was hanging around a 15 year old girl and she laughed easily, joked, smiled and was in a very upbeat mood, and it was so nice to be around her, and it was so easy to be around her and I realized I didn't have to constantly explain myself every time I gave my opinion, or didn't have to think too hard about what I was going to say, and it made me think - "why aren't hardly any of my friends, that are in their twenties and onward, like that anymore?" From then on I started to closely observe my interactions with friends my age and older, and I realized how often it seemed that I had to watch even the casual phrases I would use because I would get comments back like "it wasn't very funny", when I would casually say "how funny" regarding a situation. Now perhaps it's an Arizona expression to say "how funny," and other sayings I use, but if it's not...are we a generation of 20-30 year old "Old Ladies"? Are we really becoming bitter and cynical when we should start becoming beautiful and wonderful women? What happened to the days of laughing out loud, and not taking everything that your friends say so seriously? Why does everything have to be analyzed inside out, upside down, and backwards when we are simply asked "How are you?" Why does everything have to be looked at with a critical eye, why can't things be just like they used to be when you would laugh everything off, and appreciate just hanging out with your friends instead of hyper analyzing every word that comes out of their mouths. It's nutso, but I just find myself not saying much anymore. I just think it's easier not to say anything at all rather than risk tripping up an "Old Lady".