Puppy love
Well as usual I’ve been pretty bad about writing in this journal of mine, so I will have to quickly touch on what has been going on for the past month.

So that was our anniversary it was really great. On the night of our anniversary we ate at the Blue Bayou (the restaurant inside of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride), and they even gave us a box of chocolates for our anniversary. Oh, since we are on the subject of my anniversary, before I forget, I want to say thank you to all of you who sent cards and gifts. We really appreciate it! Like I said, we really viewed this year to be a big year for us, and we appreciate those of you who treated it as special as well. *Sniff* thanks!

So actually I should go back a ways, because the weekend BEFORE our anniversary we made a MAJOR purchase, a LIFE CHANGING purchase… We bought our first puppy!! Now I have never had a dog in my entire life, so for me it was a really big deal. His name is “Winston” (full name: “Harry Winston V”, after the jeweler and “V” for our five year anniversary gift to each other), and he is a Bichon-poo (a “hybrid” between a Bichon Frise and a poodle; he’s considered a “hybrid” because it is a purposeful mix of breeds). We love him. I wasn’t so sure about him at first, cuz he was driving me up the wall for the first couple weeks, but he has definitely gotten much better in the last couple of weeks, and I just love him now. He is definitely turning out to be a really sweet boy. PLUS the major new endearing quality is that he is now pretty much potty trained, which is actually pretty good for a puppy his age (three and a half months), because they say it generally takes 6- 12 months. So he’s a sweet big poofy white ball of fluff. Actually what he looks like is a little lamb, except for when he’s wet, he looks like the pitiful little shaved lamb in the cartoon “Boundin’” (Incredibles DVD). OK OK I think I’ve gushed enough about my baby.
So this weekend we are heading for Arizona, to visit my family. So yes, we are willingly subjecting ourselves to 114 degree heat. I know what you’re thinking – “Are they crazy?!” and rest assured, I do have an answer – yes. And what’s even crazier is that we are taking the dog. It was really Jamie’s idea, and I really was against it, but now I really am looking forward to taking him. Especially since I actually like the dog now. So it ought to be interesting to say the least. Hopefully my next blog entry is not entitled “The Yelping Crying Dog on an Eleven Hour Trip and the Day We Nearly Melted”. I’ll keep you posted.
So I haven’t done the “Thinking Blot of the Blog” for a while now, so I really need to get back on it, so here goes:
As you are driving down the road, and Mr. No Clue in his car cuts into your lane without so much as a turn signal, and two seconds later you are driving behind Ms. Paranoid who is causing retinal damage by hitting her brakes every second and a half (apparently unaware that brakes are for red lights, stop signs, and large objects or children that run out into the road, not for every dash in the center line), and then here comes Mr. Tailgate that drives right up to your bumper and proceeds to stay there for the next 10 miles even though there are two lanes to drive in, and finally you get to a stretch of the road where the speed limit is 50mph, but apparently nobody else got the memo (and they can’t read the big white and black signs next to the road) thus you are stuck driving 40mph; do you at that time then wonder: Is it all in my head or are the majority of people not smart enough to be out on the road? I honestly do think that you should have to have a certain IQ to be able to get a driver’s license. I mean, you really do have to be able to process and anticipate many things at one time in order to be an efficient and safe driver, something I do not believe the majority of people out there are capable of doing. So until they figure out a way to strain out all of the g.n.a.t.s. (Got No Ability To Steer) be on the lookout! We are surrounded!